Seth Hallwood Hardie
My photographic journey began in 1998 when my father gave me his 1971 Canon FTb 35mm camera and a some lenses. My first few roles of film were almost all over or under exposed but there was enough magic to keep me going. A decade later, in the early years of my career as a web and graphic designer I really started exploring everything digital. These days I am the Design Director at Lift interactive where I create online experiences and continue to explore the digital design world. I love the intersection of design and photography and blending the two together. My favourite place to be is in the mountains or on any coastline. Bringing it home to hang on the walls reminds me to keep exploring and soak in the beauty of this world we have to live in.

“But I’ll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you’ll come to understand that you’re connected with everything.”
– Alan Watts